15 Oct, 2014

Upgraded ICA Supermarket in Arvidsjaur

ICA Supermarket in Arvidsjaur is a medium sized grocery store in the northern part of Sweden.
An important part of a major redevelopment of the store was a thorough upgrade of the store’s refrigeration systems. Our reseller Friginor undertook this work and chose a Green & Cool Crystal unit, which is well adapted for this kind of store. Storeowner Michael Kostet is very pleased with the results and the new installation means a substantial amount of energy savings.

The Green & Cool unit is a CRYSTAL indoor unit cooling capacity MT 50 kW / LT 12 kW including heat recovery.

We started the renovation of the store in May 2013. The work was done by Friginor, who installed brand new refrigerators and freezers with units from Green & Cool. The work was done without a single days truce in the store and for a period, the old and new system run in parallel. I am very impressed with the way in which Friginor has completed the work and performance of the units delivered. We can already say that we are making an energy savings of between 30-50% compared to the previous equipment. After 6 months of full operation, we also see that the reliability far exceeds our expectations” , says store owner Michael Kostet.

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